My husband David and I have always been rather self-proclaimed artsy-fartsy, hippie-dippie types. He went to art school for a time, and I used to dabble in oil paint. In his case, the market for animators disintegrated and I found that I didn't really relish the idea of having turpentine around our son (not to mention that I usually ended up with more paint on me than on the canvas). For a while, Dave got his art fix through graphic design, and I had a creative outlet as Gustine High School's yearbook advisor; however, it always seemed odd that Dave and I never had a mutual interest in any form of art.
And then a moment of serendipity occurred: a former student of mine asked if I might take photos at her wedding. They didn't have a bunch of money to spare, but knew I had an eye for such things and figured, I think, that any photos were better than nothing at all. I am nothing if not unfailingly organized and prepared, and so I set out to learn about wedding photography. A couple days before the wedding, I convinced David that he really wanted to borrow his Mom's Nikon and come as my second shooter. We had a wonderfully productive, exhausting day together, and this was the result:
The next week, I brought some photos in to work, as I was meeting with the bride to give her proofs. I shared some with a handful of coworkers and students, and people started asking if my husband and I "do photography"...
And thus began our adventure. We hope you enjoy our work.