Before we get old posts up, like a great family shoot from way back in December, I wanted to get to an engagement shoot with one of our couples for this year. Carlos and Megan came to us via a referral by one of Melody's former students, going to show that the best advertising is word of mouth.
Carlos and Megan are a lot like me and Mel, save for the fact that Carlos is a lot more comfortable in front of the camera than I am. During our meeting it was Melody and Megan that did most of the talking while Carlos and I nodded in agreement to most everything that was said. Our original plan was to meet up at a park in Turlock that had special meaning to the two of them for the engagement shoot. However, the weather being what it was, the park was in lackluster shape so the decision was made to hit our old standby, Stanislaus State.
For those in the Turlock area, especially photographers, you know that Stan State is usually crawling with other photographers. And why not, the grounds are beautiful. The trick is setting up shots so that you're not looking at a picture of Stan State with some people in the foreground. I think we definitely accomplished that with this shoot. It also helps that Mel and I both attended classes there, so we know the campus a lot better than most.
We're totally looking forward to shooting this wedding. It'll be a bit of a drive, but how can you pass up a wedding on a lake shore with such a beautiful couple?
Here's the plan for the next week or so until we get caught up. Each time a new post goes up I'm going to go backwards one post and clean up old posts so that the images match the new blog layout. If you're on Facebook be sure to follow the link at the top of the page and add us as a friend, or sign up to the RSS feed at the bottom of the blog, or sign up to follow us via Networked Blogs also at the bottom of the blog. OR do all three!
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